Giving Tuesday 2023

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                                                 Many Hands Make Light Work

At Northumbria University we know that Many Hands Make Light Work and that when we work together, we can achieve great things. This year Giving Tuesday takes place on 28 November, and throughout this month we will be sharing student stories and asking our alumni community to support hardship bursaries.

On average, there’s a monthly shortfall of £500 between the student maintenance loan and living costs and, in the last year, the number of students who have received hardship support from their university has nearly doubled. Since 2020, we’ve seen a 60% increase at Northumbria, and we expect this trend to continue.

The Many Hands Make Light Work appeal will enable us to help more Northumbria students who are facing hardship and support them to:

• pay for accommodation, food, utility and childcare costs;

• buy learning resources, kit and equipment;

• take part in field trips and placement opportunities; and

• attend job interviews.

If every member of our Alumni Association donated £5, we’d be able to create a hardship fund of over £1m.

Can you donate today to help those most in need?

                                                                                                             With your help, anything is possible.

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